Complete plants

For over 40 years Cavicchi Impianti has been a unique point of reference in the bulk handling industrial world. Consulting services together with manufacturing capabilities and experience, enable this company to offer tailor-made equipment to satisfy any problem arising from conveying, blending, dosing and weighing bulk products such as free-flowing and non-free-flowing and granules.
Cavicchi Impianti’s engineering specialized staff create and manufacture economic and efficient solutions adaptable to solve any individual problem encountered in that precise moment with a projection for the future.

Impianto di svuotamento big bag, traporto, miscelazione, pesatura e confezionamento semiautomatico con Stil/CD. I prodotti che devono essere miscelati, contenuti nei 3 big bag, convogliati tramite dei gruppi di trasporto flessibile, vengono pesati in maniera automatica all’interno del miscelatore.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Il prodotto miscelato viene poi caricato nella confezionatrice semiautomatica per il riempimento di sacchetti e barattoli.


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